Organisations profile

Master Data of Organisation
Name of Organisation GAS-RUMA
Street JNA 136
Postcode / Town / Country 22400 Ruma / Serbia
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone/Fax +381 (0) 22 473 450 +381 (0) 22 471 484
Language serbian
Scope Description Natural gas distribution, gas supply, development and construction of gas distributions systems, engineering services
Company Data

The basic activity of the company is distribution of natural gas in the Ruma community, and in special occasions, the company can distribute gas in the neighboring communities.

Ruma’s gas pipeline has been built exclusively with funds from citizens, companies and other gas consumers that signed "The Contract for Participation in Financing" with The Fund for Construction land in Ruma, as the investitor. In July 1991 the construction of the first phase of the gas pipeline was proposed. Ruma’s gas pipeline was finished and started working on March 25,1994. The temporary gas distributor, which had a distributive unit in Ruma, was the JKP "Ingas" from Indjija.

By the municipal resolution, dated 1994 the PC "GAS-RUMA" company was formed and it has been working since 1995. With its sections the GMRS "Ruma", GMRS "Putinci", GMRS "Nikinci", the PC "GAS-RUMA" company anticipates to distribute gas to consumers in Ruma and sixteen communities of the Ruma municipality as well as the eleven community of the Irig municipality.

Company was established as company for natural gas distribution. The natural gas is taken over from the PC "SRBIJAGAS" company and distributed to gas consumers. In technical and technology aspects, the PC "GAS-RUMA" company represents an integral part of the united conveyance and distribution system in the country.

The second important activity of the company, which, in general results from its basic activity, is development and construction of gas pipelines on its whole territory where the PC "GAS-RUMA" company distributes gas.

The PC "GAS-RUMA" company also sells gas equipment, designs and constructs household gas installations, monitors and services the gas pipeline network and gas installations.

Company certified QMS in April 2000, recertified 2003, 2006 by RW TUEV, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018 by TÜV NORD CERT GmbH, Essen, Germany.

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